Theologisch-Diakonisches Seminar Aarau

Programme Detail: Diplomausbildung in Sozialdiakonie mit Gemeindeanimation HF (berufsbegleitend)

Language of this entry German
Name of Programme / Training Resource Diplomausbildung in Sozialdiakonie mit Gemeindeanimation HF (berufsbegleitend)
Type of Training Programme with multiple subsidiary courses
Reference Number
Description Theologisch fundierte Ausbildung zu Sozialdiakonie mit integriertem Katechetikausweis
Keywords Sozialdiakonie, Diakonie, Theologie, Katechetik, Jugendarbeit, Mission
Languages Programme Available in
Other Languages
Country and region where programme is available Switzerland / Countrywide
Area of Ministry and Focus Personal Life and Holiness / Integrating Faith, Life and Work; Caring for People and the World / Caring for Children and the Vulnerable
Residential/Non Residential Residential
Full-time or Part-time Part-time
Level Degree
Cost Range US$100,000 or more
Actual Cost Fr. 16'000.-
Bursaries/scholarships available No
Actual Length 4 Jahre
Average hours of study per week 42
Methods of instruction Vorlesung, Gruppenarbeit, Lektüre, Ausbildungssupervision, Gottesdienst, Gebet
Percentage of time spent in formal learning (e.g. lectures, structured reading, work-books, etc.) 40%
Percentage of time spent on non-formal skill-based learning (e.g. learning on the job and supervised practice, etc.) 50%
Percentage of time spent in informal unstructured learning (e.g. prayer times, teamwork). 10%
Average number of students who take the programme per year (or, if this is a new programme, the number who can be accommodated) 5
Prerequisite Programmes Abgeschlossene Berufslehre oder Mittelschule
Other Prerequisites Berufserfahrung (1 Jahr oder mehr)
Qualifications gained
Qualifications this programme is part of Diplom in Sozialdiakonie
Programme Accredited by
Other Accrediting Bodies Diakonatskonferenz der evangelischen Landeskirchen der deutschsprachigen Schweiz