A searchable multi-lingual database of evangelical Bible colleges - and pastoral, theological and missionary training programmes, courses and resources world-wide - to help you find the training you need to serve the Lord.

Directory of Organisations

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Training Provider
(click below for details of courses)
Location Country Courses Registered Website
Tilsley College N Lanarkshire United Kingdom 4 www.tilsleycollege.com
Tyndale Theological Seminary Badhoevedorp Netherlands 2 www.tyndale-europe.edu
Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary / Украин??ка?? Евангель??ка?? Семинари?? Бого??лови?? Kiev / Киев Ukraine 1 www.uets.net
Wyższe Baptystyczne Seminarium Teologiczne (WBST) Warszawa Poland 1 www.wbst.edu.pl
国际欧华神学院 International Chinese Biblical Seminary in Europe Barcelona Spain 5 www.icbsie.org